Quarter Available: Summer

June through August.

To narrow these listings to those resource most relevant to your journey, please visit the Resource Landscape page »
The Living Laboratory Fellowship Program for Sustainability provides Stanford students real-world sustainability leadership and project management opportunities that meaningfully advance Stanford’s operational sustainability goals. Offered in partnership with the LBRE Office of Sustainability, the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, and the Bill Lane Center for the American West, the program collaborates widely with schools, departments, and operational units across Stanford, including the O'Donohue Family Educational Farm, Residential & Dining Enterprises, and Business Affairs.
The Realizing Environmental Innovation Program (REIP) is intended to provide next stage funding (up to $500k) to PIs to move existing interdisciplinary environmental research projects toward actual solutions implemented by public stakeholders and private market actors. To be considered, projects should demonstrate both significant progress in identifying solutions and strong potential by private market or public end users...
The Stanford Woods Institute EVP program provides seed grants from $10,000 to $200,000, for up to two years, for interdisciplinary research projects that seek to identify solutions to pressing problems of the environment and sustainability. Research projects are evaluated for their intellectual merit, potential to solve critical problems, the integration of the disciplinary strengths...
The Sustainability Leadership Practicum provides an opportunity for students in the SUST master's program to practice, integrate and internalize core lessons from the program curriculum. Students will independently complete a 120-hour Practicum project of their own design, collaborating on a complex sustainability challenge with an outside partner and working through the types of constraints often faced by decision makers and leaders...
This new program provides seed grants totaling from $10,000 to $150,000, for up to two years, for interdisciplinary research projects that seek to promote new understanding of ocean processes and marine life, and to inform solutions for ocean health and sustainability...
The Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance explores and develops economically sensible policy and finance solutions that advance cleaner, more secure energy. Scroll down to see our featured research, current projects, publications, and more.
The Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFI) works with public, private and development institutions to engage Stanford researchers in developing the finance and policy tools needed for the transition toward a decarbonized and climate-resilient global economy
A collection of specific playbooks for climate entrepreneurs, covering a range of topics from customer discovery, to product documentation, to IP licensing, to fundraising.
In 1987, a small group of dedicated students founded Stanford Food Recovery, formerly known as SPOON, to collect unused and leftover food at Stanford and redistribute it to the hungry in Palo Alto.
The Environmental Justice Working Group (EJWG) at Stanford is an intergenerational collective working to embed environmental justice into our research, teaching, and community-engagement at Stanford. Our EJWG Coordinating Council meets every two weeks....