Focus Level (Entrepreneurship): Light Entrepreneurship Focus

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"XEIET120: The Role of Water and Energy for Circular Economies"" dives into sustainable water management within circular economies, stressing the importance of water in sustaining various industries. It addresses how water scarcity impacts economic growth and explores innovative strategies for managing water resources sustainably. The course covers the basics of water management, its integration into circular economies, and advanced topics like wastewater refining and the use of AI and IoT for water treatment...
"XEIET237: Transforming the Grid: AI, Renewables, Storage, EVs, and Prosumers" is a course that educates on the evolving electric grid's landscape, driven by the integration of AI, renewable energy, and emerging technologies. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, and the role of AI and ML in optimizing grid operations and demand response...
"XEIET201: Economics of the Clean Energy Transition" provides an analysis of the energy sector's shift towards sustainable solutions from an economic standpoint. It addresses the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy and the influence of public policy on decarbonization, utilizing case studies and cost-calculation tools like LCOE and LCOMD. This course is tailored for those assessing the economic feasibility of energy projects and the evolving utility business models in light of clean energy advancements...
The course "Clean, Renewable Energy & Storage for a Sustainable Future" (XEIET100), offered through the Stanford School of Engineering and the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, is an in-depth online program focusing on transforming our energy systems. Guided by Professor Mark Jacobson, the course tackles pressing global concerns such as climate change, air pollution, and energy security, proposing comprehensive strategies for a sustainable energy future...
"Leadership & Design Thinking for Corporate Sustainability Challenges" is a dynamic program designed to empower professionals with the essential mindsets, frameworks, and tools needed to navigate and lead sustainability initiatives within the corporate sector..."
Participate in Stanford's Big Earth Hackathon challenge on wildland fires by finding an innovative solution to wildland fire prediction, prevention, and/or evacuation. Students work in self-organized diverse teams of 2-4 students in weeks 1-8, with a final presentation of the work on...
The Living Lab Fellowship in campus sustainability brings together a talented group of advanced undergraduates to doctoral-level students to make meaningful progress toward achieving Stanford University's operational sustainability goals. Leading Organizational Change is a two-unit, one-quarter elective course offered Autumn quarter. The course constitutes the academic component of the Living Lab Fellowship Program. This course is only open to students who have applied and been accepted to the Living Lab Fellowship Program
The Living Laboratory Fellowship Program for Sustainability provides Stanford students real-world sustainability leadership and project management opportunities that meaningfully advance Stanford’s operational sustainability goals. Offered in partnership with the LBRE Office of Sustainability, the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, and the Bill Lane Center for the American West, the program collaborates widely with schools, departments, and operational units across Stanford, including the O'Donohue Family Educational Farm, Residential & Dining Enterprises, and Business Affairs.
The course will survey our planet's greatest sustainability challenges, and some of the possible ways that humankind might overcome each. The course material will include introductory-level science, social science, and business studies material, and...
This new program provides seed grants totaling from $10,000 to $150,000, for up to two years, for interdisciplinary research projects that seek to promote new understanding of ocean processes and marine life, and to inform solutions for ocean health and sustainability...