Eligibility Role: Undergraduate Students

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Focuses on the relations between education and sustainable development from a comparative cross-national perspective. The course covers questions and debates around education for sustainable development and the nature of "the global"; global influences...
The ecological, social, and economic crises of the Anthropocene suggest it is time for us to re-imagine how best to organize our communities, our institutions, and our societies. Despite the clear shortcomings, our society remains stuck in a rut of inaction...
All people and societies face challenges and opportunities for living sustainably in our world. We must make many difficult and complex decisions in our lives as individuals, citizens, and leaders. Through participation in this course, students will develop the tools...
At Stanford Energy Club, our goal is to engage with the real world energy sector in meaningful ways - from energy career fairs like our annual Energy & Sustainability Networking Night, to interdisciplinary SEC Projects with Bay area and international energy startups. By facilitating collaboration between students and leaders...
How and why is the climate changing? How might a changing climate affect human society? And what can we do to alter the course of climate change and adapt to any climatic changes that do occur? This course provides an introduction to the natural science and social science of climate change...
Learning about earth and planetary materials (minerals, rocks, and fluids) is fundamental as much for the understanding of observed properties as for the sustainable use and selection of raw materials. Are you interested in the challenges that we face...
This course is designed to enable graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in science and engineering to hone strategies for career success. Drawing strongly on entrepreneurial principles and lessons from industry, the course complements...
In this intensive, hands-on, project-based course, teams continue to develop their ventures based on a user need that they validated in advance of the course. They build out more elaborate versions of their prototypes and Business Model Canvas; test hypotheses...
Startup Garage is an intensive, hands-on, project-based course where students apply human-centric design, lean startup methodology, and the Business Model Canvas to conceive, design, and field-test new business concepts that address real world needs...
Design for Extreme Affordability is a two-quarter project-based course hosted by Stanford's d.school and jointly offered by the Graduate School of Business and the School of Mechanical Engineering. We focus on the development of products and services to improve the lives...