Startup Garage is an intensive, hands-on, project-based course where students apply human-centric design, lean startup methodology, and the Business Model Canvas to conceive, design, and field-test new business concepts that address real world needs. Teams get out of the building and interact directly with users, industry participants, and advisors to deeply understand one or more unmet customer needs. They proceed to design, prototype, and test their proposed products or services and a business model. Teams working on impact-focused ventures will apply the same methodology to address the needs of their beneficiaries. Students develop entrepreneurial skills as they learn critical, cutting-edge techniques about launching a venture. The course is offered by the Graduate School of Business. PREREQUISITE: Team application required. See details and apply at (login required).

This is a grad level course.  Juniors and Seniors are eligible to join the course as part of teams led by a grad student.

Stanford Ecopreneurship Programs has partnered with the Startup Garage teaching team to provide specific curriculum and support to sustainability-focused teams.

Instructors: Glickman, M. (PI) ; Lisbonne, B. (PI) ; Nakache, P. (PI) ; Baker, K. (SI) ; Deshpande, S. (SI) ; Eison, J. (SI) ; Galen, D. (SI) ; Grais, L. (SI) ; Gur, S. (SI) ; Laws, M. (SI) ; Prakash, A. (SI) ; Shakir, D. (SI) ; Singh, H. (SI) ; Wallace, C. (SI) ; Wood, D. (SI)

Instructors: Glickman, M. (PI) ; Lisbonne, B. (PI) ; Nakache, P. (PI) ; Baker, K. (SI) ; Deshpande, S. (SI) ; Eison, J. (SI) ; Galen, D. (SI) ; Grais, L. (SI) ; Gur, S. (SI) ; Laws, M. (SI) ; Prakash, A. (SI) ; Shakir, D. (SI) ; Singh, H. (SI) ; Wallace, C. (SI) ; Wood, D. (SI)
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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