The course “Clean, Renewable Energy & Storage for a Sustainable Future” (XEIET100), offered through the Stanford School of Engineering and the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, is an in-depth online program focusing on transforming our energy systems. Guided by Professor Mark Jacobson, the course tackles pressing global concerns such as climate change, air pollution, and energy security, proposing comprehensive strategies for a sustainable energy future.

Over 12 self-paced hours, enrollees will:

– Learn to apply a systems thinking approach to understand the intricate relationships between energy technologies and various human factors like health impacts and energy equity.
– Differentiate between clean, renewable energy sources—like wind, water, and solar—and traditional or alternative sources, including the nuances of technologies like hydrofracking and nuclear energy.
Assess the energy demands of industry and the renewable solutions that can address these requirements.
– Explore the burgeoning field of transportation innovation, from electric vehicles to hydrogen fuel cell technologies for larger vehicles.
– Gain insights into the wide array of energy storage technologies, including batteries and hydroelectric storage systems.
– Analyze the policies and initiatives necessary to achieve a transition to 100% clean, renewable energy systems across different sectors.

Instructors: Mark Jacobson
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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