Eligibility Role: Masters Students

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Formulate, develop, and commercialize your ideas with a suite of certificate programs designed for innovators.
This Sustainable Societies Lab seminar will explore Israel's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem for sustaining human and planetary health as pathways to regional peace. Despite its small size, Israel is a leader in health, environmental, and ecological innovation and is home to a disproportionate number of successful startups.
In the forthcoming decades, the transition to a global low-carbon economy will require tens of trillions of dollars worth of capital investment. Much of that capital investment will directed towards new builds, or retrofits, of major capital projects...
The future of the energy industry is deeply intertwined with politics and the formation of policy. In this class we'll take a deeper dive into the market and beyond-market (policy) strategies in the energy industry. Our focus will be on new clean energy technologies...
The purpose of this seminar series course is to help students and professionals develop the tools to apply the engineering and entrepreneurial mindset to problems that stem from climate change, in order to consider and evaluate possible stabilizing, remedial and adaptive approaches...
This course teaches essential leadership orientations and effective approaches for advancing sustainability globally. It examines case studies and examples of leading change in the private sector, and in cross-sector collaborations involving government, business...
Interactive, seminar-style sessions expose students to diverse career pathways in sustainability. Professionals from a variety of careers discuss their work, their career development and decision-points in their career pathways, as well as life style aspects of their choices...
This course examines alternative pathways for economies around the world to achieve deep decarbonization within a couple of decades. The overall perspective is to analyze the global decarbonization process at the intersection of technological improvements...
The purpose of this seminar series is to educate students on the key elements of 8-9 of the highest greenhouse gas emitting sectors globally, and open technical challenges and business opportunities in these problem spaces that are ripe for new climate-tech company explorations...
The challenges of addressing climate change and sustainability require urgency as well as innovative solutions. Startups operate with speed and urgency, 24/7. In recent years they have learned not only how to effectively innovate but also how to be...