A project-based course where teams of 4 prepare for the fundraising and launch of an entrepreneurial venture in the ‘real economy’, i.e. startups targeted toward users in construction, manufacturing, health care, transportation, energy. Students acquire the experience of an early-stage entrepreneur as they progress through stages of team building, opportunity assessment, product-market fit analysis, business model architecture, product planning and development, go-to-market strategy, financial modeling, and fundraising planning. The course structure includes weekly workshops, guest presentations from seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts, weekly meetings with the teaching team, and one-on-one support from dedicated business mentors/coaches. The course heavily leverages detailed online material from the SCPD Idea-to-Market program. The experience includes three pitches to panels of VCs and other industry experts starting with Opportunity Assessment, then Operations and Financial Modeling, and finally wrapping with an Investor Pitch to Silicon Valley VCs. By the end of the class, successful students will be equipped with the knowledge and network to evaluate and create impactful business ideas, many of which have been launched from this class. Open to all Stanford students, with a preference for graduate students. No prerequisites. For more information and team application, visit the course website: https://cee.stanford.edu/venture-creation

Instructors: Levitt, R. (PI) ; Lyons, M. (PI) ; Mokrian, P. (PI)

Instructors: Levitt, R. (PI) ; Lyons, M. (PI) ; Mokrian, P. (PI)
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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"XEIET120: The Role of Water and Energy for Circular Economies"" dives into sustainable water management within circular economies, stressing the importance of water in sustaining various industries. It addresses how water scarcity impacts economic growth and explores innovative strategies for managing water resources sustainably. The course covers the basics of water management, its integration into circular economies, and advanced topics like wastewater refining and the use of AI and IoT for water treatment...
"XEIET237: Transforming the Grid: AI, Renewables, Storage, EVs, and Prosumers" is a course that educates on the evolving electric grid's landscape, driven by the integration of AI, renewable energy, and emerging technologies. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, and the role of AI and ML in optimizing grid operations and demand response...
"XEIET201: Economics of the Clean Energy Transition" provides an analysis of the energy sector's shift towards sustainable solutions from an economic standpoint. It addresses the cost-effectiveness of renewable energy and the influence of public policy on decarbonization, utilizing case studies and cost-calculation tools like LCOE and LCOMD. This course is tailored for those assessing the economic feasibility of energy projects and the evolving utility business models in light of clean energy advancements...