As the only summer fellowship on campus dedicated to enhancing the understanding and the practice of sustainable finance, the Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFI) program provides financial support to continuing Stanford graduate students who have secured summer internships with organizations whose missions are aligned with SFI’s focus areas:
– Catalyzing Private Investment
– Energy Business Innovations
– Risk Metrics and Management
– Stranded Assets and Just Transitions
– Systems Transformation and Integration

Student Eligibility

  • Students must be pursuing a graduate degree (co-term, master’s, or PhD) at Stanford University. Priority will be given to master’s and PhD students during the selection process.
  • Student must plan to enroll in the Sustainable Finance and Investment Seminar (CEE 157/257) during the upcoming fall quarter.
  • Students must be in good academic standing.
  • Undergraduate and graduating students are not eligible.

For more information visit the program’s website:

Instructors: N/A
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: No

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