The course aims to equip the Stanford community with the knowledge and networks required to undertake significant future work on sustainable finance and investment. The course will be given in a seminar format, which explores multiple disciplines of sustainable finance with talks by researchers associated with the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy’s Sustainable Finance Initiative and visiting speakers. The course features three highly interactive modules: (1) risk and opportunities of sustainable finance, (2) business and financial innovation toward sustainability, and (3) sustainability assessment and advanced data technologies. The contents covered by this course include but are not limited to systems and theories in sustainable finance and investment such as active ownership, carbon markets and policies, climate finance, environmental disclosure and reporting, divestment, engagement, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), green banks, green bonds, green benchmarks and indices, impact investing, public-private partnerships, responsible investment, stranded assets, and green taxonomies. Seminar meets weekly during the Autumn Quarter.

Instructors: In, S. (PI)

Instructors: In, S. (PI)
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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