This dynamic online course is designed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a tangible positive impact on their organization’s financial performance and reputation through sustainable practices. Through a series of short videos, engaging online exercises, and comprehensive knowledge checks, students will master the art of applying systems thinking and the Capital Asset Framework to enhance decision-making processes.

This approach aims to optimize social, financial, and environmental outcomes, ensuring a holistic view of business strategy and operations. The course also explores the critical connections between employees, customers, natural resources, and communities, highlighting how these relationships can fuel innovation and drive strategic decisions for positive outcomes. A special focus is given to understanding and differentiating between traditional and circular economy business models, preparing participants to implement practices that promote long-term value creation. By the end of the course, learners will be equipped with the strategic foresight and practical tools needed to advance sustainability initiatives within their organizations effectively.

Instructors: Pamela Matson, Julia Novy
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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