Are you interested in innovative ideas and strategies for addressing urgent challenges in human and planetary health and creating sustainable societies? This 7 session lecture series features a selection of noteworthy leaders, innovators, and experts across diverse sectors/topics in health and the environment such as: health innovation and environmental sustainability, social and environmental justice and equality, social innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, foundations and venture capital, tech innovation, media and AI, biotech and ag-tech, pandemics, public health and community wellbeing, food systems and agricultural innovation, hunger and nutrition, clean water and air, nonprofits and community action, public policy innovation and systems change, and the role of academia and you.

Co-convened and co-designed by faculty, fellows and students collaborating across several Stanford centers, departments, schools, the course invites the discussion of global problems, interdisciplinary perspectives, and systemic solutions for the climate crisis and human health. The course will address root causes of the climate crisis and urgent challenges of human and planetary health, including sociological constraints, political objectives, economic incentives, technological limitations, and preservation of global stability, and suggest models of leadership, innovation and sustainable social change. We will also delve into efforts to catalyze long-term sustainability across the private, nonprofit, and public sectors.

Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to enroll – registration is open to all Stanford students and fellows. May be repeated for credit.

Instructors: Bloom, G. (PI) ; Singer, S. (PI)
Instructors: Bloom, G. (PI) ; Singer, S. (PI)
Faculty Principal Investigator (PI) Required?: N/A

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